The Best Performing Kitchens Webpage

The Best Performing Kitchens Webpage

I’m sure you’ll recognise lines like these:

“Our skilled team our second-to-none at creating beautiful kitchen spaces.”

“We’re highly experienced when it comes to designing and fitting kitchens.”

“We can work with any space or budget, big or small.”

Stock standard marketing copy - the likes of which you’ll find on websites, brochures, and other kitchens-related marketing collateral.

There’s nothing much wrong with them, but on their own, they’re not particularly powerful.

Because why tell someone how good you are when you can show them?

KBB connection before consultation

KBB connection before consultation

You’ll know better than anyone that buying a kitchen isn’t an impulse buy. Someone doesn’t just suddenly decide to get a new kitchen, drop by your showroom, and hand over their credit card.

Instead, each customer goes on a journey – from not thinking about a new kitchen at all, to vaguely considering it, to actively researching it, and – finally – to reaching out to a company that can help them.

Getting Kitchen Leads Over the Line

Getting Kitchen Leads Over the Line

I’ve been in marketing for many years, but I still know the ultimate truth of this statement:

If you can’t close deals, all the marketing in the world won’t help you grow your kitchen business.

Sounds obvious, maybe, but far too many kitchen retailers are so focused on ‘generating leads’ that they forget to consider the number of sales appointments and deals they actually get over the line.

Secret weapon for KBB

Secret weapon for KBB

There’s a question that we regularly get from our clients and other independent kitchen retailers:

How do we compete with the national brands?

It’s not an easy question to answer.

After all, national brands have millions to throw at advertising, plastering themselves all over TV, radio, newspapers and billboards. So what chance have you really got?

Well, you’ve got more hope than you’d think, especially when you deploy the independent kitchen retailer’s secret weapon.

Cracking Google for Kitchen Retailers in 2022

Cracking Google for Kitchen Retailers in 2022

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again too:

In 2022, Google is vital to successfully marketing a kitchen business.

Maybe a few years ago, you’d have been able to get away without using Google. But, if you’re serious about growing your business beyond word of mouth and your immediate circle, it’s now essential.

The question is: how do you crack it, especially when competing with the big brands?

See you at the show?

See you at the show?

It’s all systems go here as we prepare for kbb Birmingham this weekend.

After a couple of years stuck behind screens, we’re really looking forward to getting out there, talking to independent kitchen retailers, and helping them improve their marketing, generate more leads and win more business.

And what I’d love to know is: are you coming to the show?

KBB Expertise, On Tap

KBB Expertise, On Tap

We’re already halfway through January.

Before you know it, we’ll be seeing pictures of Cupid as Valentine’s Day rolls around. And it won’t be long after that before the temptation of Creme Eggs rears its ugly head.

Time moves fast, and if you don’t move with it, the chances are you’re not going to achieve all you want to this year.

Your 2022

Your 2022

I did a fair amount of reflecting over the festive break.

I thought a lot about the year we’d just had – what went right, what went wrong, what we’d do differently with that time again.

But I thought even more about the year that we’re right on the cusp of - 2022.

This time of the year is an obvious time to think things through and make plans. That’s why so many people make New Year’s resolutions and decide on big goals for the year ahead.

From speaking to several of our KBB clients over the last couple of days, I know that I’m not alone.

KBB Predictions for 2022

KBB Predictions for 2022

The festive season is well and truly upon us, as the repetition of 'Celebrations' boxes in the office attests to, which means it's not long before the big day itself.

And out on the other side, once the turkey's eaten, the Champagne drunk and the batteries recharged?


We've been asked a lot recently about what we feel next year holds for KBB retailers. With consensus in the office, here are three of our predictions.

Promote or promotion in January?

Promote or promotion in January?

I recently spoke about the importance of making the most of the surge in interest that's coming in January.

Each and every year, demand for new kitchens drops off in December and ratchets up in a big way in the New Year.

Many kitchen retailers recognise that January is a pivotal time to generate new leads, fill your pipeline and book work in for the year ahead. But there's another question: how?

What should kitchen retailers be doing in December?

What should kitchen retailers be doing in December?

In the world of kitchen marketing, things are starting to slow down about now.

It’s not a shock. In fact, it happens every December.

As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, consumers’ attention turns increasingly towards festive logistics – buying presents, organising family get-togethers and whose turn it is to dress as Santa.

Search volume goes down. Website hits drop too. Clicks, impressions - nearly everything that can be gauged – will be on a descending trajectory.

A kitchen revelation with a difference

A kitchen revelation with a difference

I forced myself to do my least favourite household chore the other day, mopping the kitchen floor.

As I was prepping for this most unenviable task by sweeping the floor, I noticed a few faded patches. It struck me that in my haste to get this job done in the past, I’d probably been too harsh with the bleach I had been using to clean the wooden panels.

So, I quickly put ‘proper floor disinfectant’ on the shopping list.

Fast forward 48 hours, and I was in the supermarket, down the cleaning products aisle. I was about to pick up a regular own-brand floor cleaning product for ÂŁ1 when a shiny bright label caught my attention.

When the KBB Coins Drop

When the KBB Coins Drop

I don’t need to tell you that the KBB market is in pretty uncharted territory right now.

The pandemic’s created an unprecedented demand for home improvement, and when you add in the fact that there are loads of people sitting on cash they haven’t been able to spend on holidays, it’s fair to say this wave won’t run its course anytime soon.

Many independent kitchen retailers are used to having to work super exceptionally hard for every sale – sweating blood and tears to generate leads and convert them into clients.

Leads aren’t difficult to come by recently, though, which means a different problem for KBB retailers:

KBB marketing when the sun is shining

KBB marketing when the sun is shining

It was JFK who popularised the phrase, “The best time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining”

In other words, when things are going well, take the time to prepare for when things aren’t going quite so swimmingly.

These words should ring true for kitchen retailers right now, for the sun certainly seems to be shining.