kbb industry

Powering out of Lockdown 3

Powering out of Lockdown 3

So, here we are with the blockbuster threequel we’ve so eagerly been awaiting - Lockdown 3.🙄

But this lockdown is different – the end is in sight. With the confirmation of yet another vaccine to add to the arsenal, we know that life will be a lot better and a lot closer to the normality we all crave, sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, opportunity awaits.

Beating Bogus Bargains in the KBB industry

Beating Bogus Bargains in the KBB industry

We had a question in a month ago from a really decent guy who runs a kitchen design company with his wife.

She’s an expert designer, with two decades of experience, loads of integrity, and a steady stream of glowing testimonials.

But they have a problem:

They’re losing business to ‘respected’ companies in their local market, promising the world, but delivering precious little.