Kitchen business owners should read this

My name’s David Barker, owner of Inspire KBB.

Over the past 25 years, I’ve instigated numerous highly successful marketing initiatives for Home Specialist companies, particularly Kitchen Retailers.

I’ve been a key figure in getting them more customers, growing their profits and helping owner-operators make the money they need, to live the lifestyle they want.

How did I end up in that position?

Well, I did it for myself first.


I originally hail from New Zealand, and for 15 years I was ‘the marketing guy’ for my family’s kitchen business.
In those 15 years, we grew the sales year on year, ending up in increasing the turnover by EIGHT times. 


By doing the simple things well.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll share with you some of the most important things that all Kitchen Retailers should be doing in their marketing, all with the aim of helping you to get more customers and make more money.