Marketing Strategy for KBB Retailers in this Crisis – Part 2 | Inspire KBB

Marketing Strategy for KBB Retailers in this Crisis – Part 2

Things have changed drastically for many millions of people in recent days, and in some areas, things continue to get darker, with further impact on lives.

But you've been through a tunnel before, which means you know that it gets dark before it gets light.

Last week, we spoke about what independent KBB retailers need to do as they enter the tunnel; the foundations you need to put in place to see you through this period.

We're in the tunnel now, and we're likely to be for much of April.

Which means that our actions over the next month are likely to define where we are when we get out of the other side.

With your foundations in place, attention now needs to turn towards your April activity, and what you're going to do.

And we're here to help, with a few key things that KBB retailers should be doing for the next month:

Don't avoid the 'S' words

There are two key 'S' words for you to consider in April:

'Sales' and 'socially conscious'.

April is not the time to neglect the fact that in order to continue running your business long-term, you'll need to make sales.

Maybe there won't be too many this month, but by continuing to fill your sales pipeline now, you'll profit when the money does start moving again.

At the same time though, it's vital to be socially conscious.

The way you communicate now can make or break you.

If you're seen as socially conscious, then you'll be remembered for good. But, if you come across predatory, your reputation will be significantly damaged. So, remember to weigh this up as you communicate.

Sell the right solution

A key way to ensure you keep focused on sales while remaining socially conscious is to sell the right thing, which for most KBB retailers right now isn't a kitchen.

It's a discussion about kitchens, or bedrooms, or bathrooms.

Your target market is at home, with time on their hands, and with their living spaces coming under scrutiny – there will be plenty of people thinking it's time to plan a renovation.

And while they can't actually get it right now, they can certainly get the ball rolling, and that's where you come in, pivoting your Call-to-Action from "Get your order placed to secure X for free"… to … "Let's have a chat, get the ball rolling, so you can be at the head of the queue when things start back up".

The summer of home improvement

The Barker family were due to be heading off to Majorca once again this summer, and now it's almost certain that we're not.

I'd imagine most of the travel restrictions will have been lifted by the time we're scheduled to go later in July. But, the risk still looms of either contracting the virus in a cooped-up airplane or being forced back into lockdown if there's a further outbreak in Spain.

There'll be millions of people just like us, which means millions of people staying in this country; holidaying in the UK and saving money as a result. Or, staying at home to work on the house instead.

The result could be one of the biggest summers of home improvement this country has ever seen, which means a boom in what you sell. You need to be ready for it, and that means starting now.

Getting your ducks in a row

In order to understand what you should be filling your time with this month, ask and answer this question:

"When we're through this, what will you regret you'd not done?"

Now is the perfect opportunity to get things sorted that have been stuck on your 'To-do' list for months, or even years:

  • Finally get your contacts into a usable database or CRM, so you can start marketing to them. (We recommend Pipedrive and Keap.)

  • Spend time getting more contacts - engaging on social media, email, and building your Contract list.

  • Elevate your relationship with customers, suppliers and contacts with regular, useful content.

Attention is up for grabs right now, and it's cheaper than ever before – Facebook and Google Ads cost has hit the floor, and local media are crying out for advertisers. 

Take this opportunity to get in front of your market and engage with them. If you do, you'll be in a much stronger place when we come out of the other side of this.

Virtually open

Now's the time to explore all the different ways you can be 'open', that aren't related to someone coming into your showroom.

  • Be responsive on email and social 

  • Undertake video demonstrations and video calls

  • Keep customer design decisions progressing with WhatsApp

  • Put together design talks for half a dozen interested prospects on Zoom


The more you do in this period to engage and start conversations, the more you'll reap the rewards on the other side.

I hope you find these points useful, and they'll help you with what to do over the next few weeks.

If you did find them helpful, and you're interested in delving more in-depth, check out my interview earlier this week with Andrew Davies on the KBB Review Podcast - What should you be doing with your marketing?

Your Invitation – Free Live Video call
Following the very positive feedback with our first attempt last week, we're going to undertake another call this Friday. We would, therefore, like to invite you to Marketing Strategy for KBB Retailers in this Crisis - Meeting #2.

I'll host the call again, and we'll spend more time outlining some more of the vital activity that independent KBB retailers need to be undertaking over the coming weeks.

We'll give you actionable, tangible marketing ideas you can take away and commence in your business straight away - to ensure you more than just survive this period, but thrive out of the other side too.

You'll have an opportunity to get any questions answered, as well as hear from other independent kitchen retailers in the same boat as you.  

To register for the Zoom video call this Friday, 3rd April, 11am-12pm, click here.

Finally, please forward this invitation to anyone you feel would also benefit from being on the call.
